Proopiomelanocortin Precursor (POMC) (27-52) (Porcine)


规格:EA 50 ul


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Protocol for Immunohistochemistry: 
 Tissue Sample  Mouse hippocampus and rat cortex
 Fixative  10% Formalin
 Embedding  Paraffin
 Negative control  No primary antibody
 Pretreatment  Intact
 Blocking  2% Normal Goat Serum
 Primary Antibody  Rabbit Anti-POMC Precursor (27-52) (Porcine) Antiserum (Catalog No.:H-029-30)
 Optimal Dilution  1:100 (1hour at RT)
 Secondary Antibody  Goat anti-Rabbit IgG, Biotinylated (1:400, 30 min)
 Amplification  ABC (Vector) (1:400, 30 min)
 Detection system  HRP
 Substrate  DAB (Sigma), 3 min
 Counterstained  Hematoxylin, 30 Sec

Catalog # H-029-30
Standard Size 50 µl
Sequence Trp - Cys - Leu - Glu - Ser - Ser - Gln - Cys - Gln - Asp - Leu - Ser - Thr - Glu - Ser - Asn - Leu - Leu - Ala - Cys - Ile - Arg - Ala - Cys - Lys - Pro

Disulfide Bridge: Cys2 - Cys24 and Cys8 - Cys20
Species Porcine
Host Rabbit
Reconstitution For best and reproducible results, reconstitute with 50µl of distilled water for the equivalent of undiluted antiserum, immediately before use. Do not refreeze any unused portions.
Storage Condition Please store the lyophilized antibody at -20°C upon receipt. For optimal results, use the antibody immediately after reconstitution. Once reconstituted, the antibody is stable for up to three (3) days at 4°C. For longer-term storage up to three (3) months, prepare small aliquots of the reconstituted antibody and freeze at -20°C or -80°C. Repeated freeze-thaw cycles should be strictly avoided.
Content This vial contains 50µl of Rabbit Anti-Proopiomelanocortin (POMC) Precursor (27-52) (Porcine) Serum in the lyophilized form.
